(according to Ra Uru Hu, the Human Design founder, it takes 7 years to free yourself from old conditionings) I take the Human Design guidelines as an experiment, not as written-in-stone truths. Where Motivation fits into the Human Design variables framework and how it corresponds to the other Variables, The six kinds of Motivations, their Transverse Motivations, and their Trajectories, And we take a brief look at the View Variable, Episode 198: Your Human Design Determination, Episode 200: My Human Design Determination & Cognition, Episode 204: Your Human Design Environment, FREE GUIDE: Your Human Design, Discovered, Connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Business: Service designers need to understand the business goals and the impact of the work on the organisation. Just over two years ago, I had no idea what Human Design was. You feel that you have to control a situation, that you have to fix things, that you have to will or force things to happen. (If it's not a full-bodied, feel-it-in-your gut yes, it's probably a no.) ", This can result in a lot of burnout for Manifestors, as well as depression and shame when they can't keep up with the demands of a consistent schedule. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. How they know what to work on depends on their Strategy. Well, it means you're motivated to take action, but if youre taking action from your Transferred Motivation, the end result is not going to be the correct result for you. Youre motivated by a desire to do things that no one else has done before. Human Design Variable - Practical Transformation ICONIC Human Design Join our community at HumanDesign.LIVE for Learning, Sharing, and Discovery! There are 64 gates and each one of them represents an energetic theme that provides further understanding of who you are. When they're invited in to understand someone or someone asks for their knowledge, projectors can really shine. This act of INFORMING others about your actions is your Strategy and is what allows you to manifest in peace--and thats all you want. It's a concept that I like to call trajectory. So how do we sense theres a need for something? He described hearing a voice of supreme intelligence and receiving information from this voice over the course of eight days and nights. The elements assist you in balancing your finely tuned energy and aura. Things that don't light them up, on the other hand, deplete that energy reserve. You are someone who is sought after for help, and when its the right timing, you are here to support them with your natural talents and gifts. Aug 20, 2021 | human design, start here, strategy This is the beginning of a 16 part discussion and open exploration of human design variables and how they manifest in your life. When the individual has the Splenic Center defined, without the Solar Plexus or the Sacral Center, When the Heart Center is connected to the Throat, Listen to what you say in order to know your truth, When the G Center is connected to the Throat, Clarity comes through the voice (tone and words), Any combination of a defined Head, Ajna or Throat, but no definition below the Throat Center, Have trusted advisors to use as sounding boards in order to hear your own voice, Put yourself in environments that feel good, Spend one lunar cycle (28 days) contemplating and discussing the decision (major decisions), STRATEGY + AUTHORITY = YOUR SIGNATURE (Peace, Satisfaction, Success, or Surprise). On the other hand, if youre someone who has two centers defined or is completely open (a Reflector), then you are someone who is equipped with the attunement to pick up on the frequencies of the defined centers within others--you are here to learn about others. "Book Your Human Design Chart Reading Now". If your Trajectory is a Follower, you started out as a Leader, but you're moving towards becoming a Follower. It's what others perceive you have. We'll go through each of the 6 perspectives and talk about what each of them means for you. To further break down the white centers, we say a center is undefined when its white but has at least one dormant gate within it; we say a center is completely open when the white center has no gates within it. "A Projector's work is to wait for recognition," Brafman adds, and "in the meantime, elevate themselves and share things so people can understand what they're all about." Human Design has so much to offer us, but the most important aspect we want you to embody is your decision-making process: your Strategy and Authority. "Their energy is like a slingshot," Brafman adds. You are a force of nature that can accomplish great things, just remember to INFORM others so you can manifest in PEACE. Being conditioned isnt something that can be avoided; it is the way we are designed to interact with another. "As we layer on each and every level [in human design]," Brafman adds, "we become not one of five, or 35we become one of an infinite amount of different combinations and see ourselves as truly unique beings. Your BodyGraph shows your Definitionanything colored inand your opennessanything left white. This is the story of many non-sacral beings (Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors) because the world is filled with Sacral energy (70% of the population are Generators/Manifesting Generators), so we're always surrounded by this incredible source of energy. Your white centers are where, metaphorically speaking, youre going to school, and therein lies a great potential of wisdom. This is especially true once we remove any judgment. Regardless of how youre defined, whether you have most centers defined or you have none at all, there is no chart that is better than another. ENTRY TRAJECTORY USING AN INTEGRATED APPROACH AND OPTIMIZATION Luke W. McNamara, Robert D. Braun , One of the key design objectives of NASA's Orion Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1) is to execute a guided entry trajectory demonstrating GN&C capability. There are 6 different motivations. Human Design since 2004, when I first started blogging here on LoveYourDesign. Your Profile is a costume that we grow into and its composed of two numbers known as lines: the first number being the one after your Personality Sun gate (e.g., 4) and the second number being the one after Design Sun gate (e.g., 6). I especially wanted to learn about 'The Variables' (those arrows you see around your head in your Human Design chart) and seeking out this information was like finding a needle in a haystack. Im a Certified Holistic Health Coach who helps people who suffer from fatigue and digestive distress learn how to eat real food and adopt clean living practices for better health energy, and endurance. The channels come from the Kabbalah, which is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism meant to explain the relationship between the unchanging, eternal God (the mysterious) and the mortal, finite universe (God's creation). Again, this language is really like what?, which is why I want to try and keep this episode as simple as possible. There are 64 gates and each one of them represents an energetic theme that provides further understanding of who you are. If youre a Projector and youre reading these words, we invite you to write down things in your life that feel like PLAY to you and then increase that in your life. Trajectories are designed by capitalizing on the fundamental laws of orbital mechanics to achieve a given set of mission objectives. Fear. It is information about the frame through which the mind is designed to take in information Look at Color/Tone of North and South Nodes on Personality chart Sid Color: 6 Sid Tone: 2 Sid . If you're curious about human design, or you just have to map your chart to see if it resonates, set up an appointment with a practitioner or give it a try yourselfmaking sure to pay extra attention to your energy type, inner authority, and profile. Here's the longer version. "They're amazing leaders because they can curate situations based on the energy of the situation," she saysthe caveat being that they're susceptible to giving unsolicited advice. We want to also invite you togeta Human Design Chart Reading from Rebecca! Combining her diverse professional background, and her unique approach integrates Functional Nutrition and Human Design she guides clients on a highly individualized journey of self-discovery, observation, and integration by removing physical, mental, and emotional confusion and overwhelm, simply taking them back to the very basics of health through the framework of their Human Design. The difference between the two is that in the undefined center there is at least one dormant gate that filters incoming energy, making the frequency of that particular center more apparent within us. Novice is my Trajectory novice. I can tell you that follower numbers are the least of my concerns. Therefore, its vital to ones wellbeing to take some time to be by yourself to release the energy that you mightve picked up. Now that weve covered these important terms, lets dive into the Types. If youre a Projector and want to deepen your knowledge, we have a FREE Projector Masterclass (Valued at $99). Jump in the ocean, take deep breaths, slow down, lay down on the ground, and light a candle. How are you motivated? Trajectory theory holds that there are multiple pathways to crime Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning on the trajectory, after which the only interference is from gravity. This is because Projectors dont have a consistent source of energy to keep going and going. Because those with a Need Motivation, dont need followers. If your Authority approves and you go on to fulfill that desire, then you will experience your Types Signature (Peace, Satisfaction, Success, or Surprise). "Human design composites those two and layers them on top of each other and then looks at how [their] energy interacts," she explains. There are 8 different authorities within the system. Theres still challenges that we wouldve had to work through in order to evolve and grow, but if we knew how to say NO to decisions that werent correct for us, we wouldve saved ourselves time, energy, and tears(lots of tears). . Motivations According to the Human Design System: Those with color 3 Motivation of Desire are here to lead, to be involved, change what needs correction involved with what is not working in the world, the not-self. Respond to anything: a dog barking, a bird singing, an inspiring song, a conversation, etc. The not-self theme for Projector is BITTERNESS. So it doesnt happen automatically by us just living our lives the way we want to. If you have a Need Motivation, you're motivated to do whatever is necessary, to do what needs to be done. Ajna: Energetic Ajna (Periodic) Solar Plexus (Cyclical) Solar Plexus: Sensitive 4. Im also going to spend a little bit of time talking about the fourth arrow which is View, but I'm not going to go into it in as much detail as I will on Motivation, at least not in this episode - perhaps in a future episode, but not this one. The third Motivation is Desire. The opposite Trajectory of Communalist is Separatist. Separatists mean you started out as a Communalist but you're moving towards being a Separatist. It's not about trying to amass a following, it's about connecting with the right people for you, and when you do that, thats how you have a profound impact. Studying is important because Projectors are here to be masters of some system and to be a master you must study, so in between invitations its a good idea to study something youre truly passionate about. The idea of being guided by a voice might seem far-fetched, but what we like about Ra is that he said not to blindly believe him, and instead experiment with what Human Design has to offer you and see if it actually works. You can definitely go deeper, and if youre curious to see what else Human Design has to offer, then head on over to our, In Human Design, when weve been conditioned and didnt properly manage it (by deconditioning) we say were in our Not-Self. If you dont have self-awareness in knowing that whatever frequencies you have been influenced by those around you arent yours, then you can believe that you are the conditioning, which causes you to be your Not-Self. Profiles, or your role in this life, are also good to pay attention to, as it covers who you think you are, along with the innate design of your physical body, and how they work together. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. As weve already said, Projectors do not carry a consistent source of energy in their own personal energy field, but instead, take in the energies of others and manage it. He only has two defined centers, the G and the Throat, but if you look at his Root Center, you can see there is a lot of action going on there with multiple conscious and unconscious gates. This is my motivation in my personal design. Why feel tired when you can feel fired up and ready to go every single day? This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. So the person below has a 4/6 profile (The Opportunistic Role Model). And often, she adds, if something doesn't resonate, it's a sign that aspect of yourself may have been conditioned out of you. Your Chart will tell you whether you have Single Definition, Split Definition, Triple Split Definition, Quadruple Split Definition or No Definition. The focus of this paper is dening the yable entry corridor for EM-1 taking into ac- You'll hear: * What's Motivation in Human Design * Where Motivation fits into the Human Design variables framework and how it corresponds to the other Variables . We, at The Projector Movement, have done our job if you walk away knowing nothing else but your decision-making process, but we know that youre hungry for more, so lets continue with the next step. If you dont have your Sacral defined, and have at least one motor (the energetic centers: Heart, Solar Plexus, Root, [Sacral Center is the most energetic center out of all them, but cannot be defined to be a Manifestor]) connected to the Throat, then you are a Manifestor. Appetite Semplicity Hunter Alternating Going from one thing to the other alternating between the two. This lights up a map of yourself called the bodygraph, which is unique to Human Design. If there are no gates in the white center, then this means this center is completely open. What does that mean? Now the Trajectory or the two tones for Fear Motivation are Communalist and Separatists. This is where the language of Human Design is can feel murky. People love to analyze and categorize their personalitieshence the reason tools like horoscopes and Myers-Briggs inventories are so popular. You are broadcasting the information out. Like many things in Human Design, the wording can be a bit misleading or even triggering but we can focus on the essential meaning. You are here to be called out for your natural genius and innate talents that will help you embody your visionary power. However, the Human Design chart is a very unusual tool that has not yet been in human hands. The thing is, a slight change in your trajectory can lead to huge differences in the outcomes you get in life. Look to see in your chart which hub of energy are you transmitting (colored) and which are you receiving (white); which center is more reliable and consistent (defined) or which center is more open to conditioning, magnifying, and reflecting (undefined/open)? By the way, the planets are listed in order from how you see them in your BodyGraph from the top down: The black planets on the right represent your conscious/personality/mind side and are based on when you were born. Knowing your Type is one of the most important aspects to grasp about Human Design because you will know your aura (how your energetic field communicates), you will know when youre living in alignment (Signature) or not (Not-Self Theme), but the most significant key that your Type reveals is the way youre designed to interact with life, your Strategy. And let's not forget: the source of your badassery! Fear is the survival instinct that keeps you safe. Human Design Projectors are one of these five Human Design types and they make up around 20% of the world's population. The Transferred Motivation for Innocence is Desire. Those activations that you have represents who you are. Your Sacral response can play out two ways: it can be a tonal sound such as uh-huh (yes) or uh uh (no), or it can be a silent response such as a feeling inside or movement toward or away from something. The Projectors strategy is to wait to be INVITED. The main ones are Generator, Manifestor, Reflector and Projector, and the additional one is Manifesting Generator. Generators are here to wait to respond and whats responding is their Sacral Center. You may be a 6/2, for example, with your role being "the role model hermit" who shares their wisdom; Or, 3/5, "the experiential hectic," whose role is to, well, experience! If you have a Desire Motivation, you're motivated by involvement. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Respond to what you may ask? If youre not adhering to your Strategy and Authority, then youre not living in alignment with your Design and you will feel what is your specific Not-Self Theme.. The number in the yellow circle tells you which Environment (your Color) and whether the arrow is facing left or right determines if you are a Left or . Hello there, and welcome back to The Live Fab Life Podcast. However, the only thing you do need to do is you need to let the people who are going to be impacted by your decision know about what youre going to do. The Art of Just Knowing. When I think about seeing the big picture, within my own design, I think of my Cognition which is Outer Vision. I am a Genetic Matrix affiliate, and if you sign . This is what is opened to all of that difference. This is key. Each Type has its own unique Strategy and if you want to unlock the wisdom that this system has to offer, this is the aspect you truly want to start integrating into your life in order to live out your Types Signature. If you have a Hope Motivation youre motivated by things, or a knowing that you can't explain, its kind of like having a Splenic Authority a knowing that isnt logical or cant be explained. This makes them intimate, energetic empaths, able to feel whatever is happening around them. For example, if you are someone who has many white centers and when youre around different types of people, then youre going to be conditioned by their defined centers. . And while it's taken a bit to not get caught up in the vanity metrics like how many likes or shares, I get, what I do pay attention to is how many times was this post saved because if someone saves something that I shared that means it resonated with them. Welcome to myBodyGraphs free Human Design BodyGraph service. Lets say you have most of your centers defined. They won't know when enough is enough before they burn out. Even though two or more people have the same chart, that chart will be expressed differently. Reflectors have a resistant and sampling aura, which enables them to engage and transform the energy within environments. Examples of this could be work, partnerships (both business and relationships), moving locations, and investments. Deconditioning is having the self-awareness to know that the shift in your vibration was influenced by being around the presence of others auras and taking time to be by yourself to release all that is not you.
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